Signs that Your Air Conditioning System Needs Repair

Your Air Conditioning System Needs Repair

Air conditioning is a system that controls humidity, ventilation, and temperature in a car or building, typically maintaining a cool environment in warm conditions.

As temperatures start to heat up, you will want to make sure that your air conditioner is prepared to keep you cool and that it’s functioning properly. But how will you know it needs repair? Well, if you see any of the following, consider a commercial air conditioning repair.

1. Inadequate airflow

airflowInadequate airflow is a sign that the system is not working efficiently. This may be due to the blockage in the home’s ductwork, clogged air, or broken motor and might need repair.

2. Increased humidity

If your cooling system can’t keep comfortable moisture levels during spring and summer, it needs to be checked and repaired. That’s because a well-functioning air conditioning system should automatically moderate humidity levels.

3. Hot air

An air conditioner needs repair when it blows hot air from the vent when the cooling mode is switched on, and temperatures set lower than the home temperatures.

4. Water leakage

ac repair

Air conditioning systems may produce condensation while cooling homes. Neither of the condensed liquid should accumulate nor leak through.

Pooled water around the air conditioner is an indicator that the cooling system isn’t working properly.

5. Bad odors

A perfectly working system should not exhibit any foul odor. An unpleasant smell signifies that the system needs a quick diagnostic fix from an air conditioner expert as there might be some microbial growth in it.

6. Disturbing noise

Mainly, low-level noise occurs when most air conditioners are starting up and when shutting down. Unusual and loud noise signal a problem in the cooling system.

In most cases, rattling noise is from a loose part, while grinding noise signalizes a severe problem that will not go away on its own unless a professional air conditioner assesses it.

7. Frequent cycles

cooling expertYour air conditioning system should go through relative cooling cycles. If you notice frequent cycles of on and off, then contact cooling experts.

8. Escalated utility costs

A sudden spike in power bills could symbolize a drop in the efficiency of your system. Utility bills usually rise in summer due to high temperatures. But when you notice an insignificant rise that doesn’t match your increased usage of the AC, there could be a problem with the thermostat.

9. Old age

Typically, ten years is a reasonable life expectancy of any air conditioning unit. If the unit is ten or approaching ten years, you might consider a new one as the repair cost for an extremely worn-out system could be much more expensive than buying a new one.

Key Take away

Air conditioning systems are essential, and therefore, they need to be in good condition to enhance comfort both at home and in the workplace. Always watch out for the signs above so that you can have your system fixed earlier before things escalate. Keep in mind that a quality air conditioning system can last for years if well-maintained.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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