Are you the kind of person who feels the need to scrub from floor to ceiling and repaint your house because you’re afraid what the cleaner will think of you? Although you needn’t quite go to such extremes before that first visit from your friendly, neighborhood cleaning services Houston, there are a few things you should do to prepare.
Communication is Key
Before you even decide on a company or have a cleaner sent to your home, you should consider what chores you need performed, how often and how you want to them done. Also take into account any special requests or instructions, and write these down, too. You should go over the list at the outset of the first visit to make sure you’ve communicated clearly, and to provide the cleaner with an opportunity to ask questions. This isn’t to be nit-picky, but just to make certain that guidelines and expectations are clear in advance. You should also have information ready for the cleaner regarding alarm systems, access codes or spare keys and pets.
De-Clutter Your Spaces
You don’t need to do a deep clean, but you should be considerate enough to clear the breakfast dishes off of the table, pick up your socks and put any piles of laundry into bins. This will allow your housekeeper to get to business right away and be done in a timely manner.
After the First Visit
Since this is an ongoing business relationship, you want to make sure that both of you are satisfied with the arrangement. This doesn’t come at him or her with a laundry list of criticisms. Feedback can be positive, too. If your cleaner did something extra or exceptionally well, tell them and their employer about it. Didn’t like the way something was done after the first visit? Speak up before it becomes on ongoing problem.
Whether you need regular visits or you could use a little help occasionally, professional cleaning services Houston can make your life a whole lot easier. After all, you have better things to do with your time and energy than dust.
Article Submitted By Community Writer