How Safe are Children’s Playgrounds in 2016?      

As those who’ve had a child as an important part of their life know, children are experts at playtime. They can make a game with even the most mundane items. They love playing tag, dodgeball and kickball. Children love to run, spin and jump. They are in their element while balancing, swinging and sliding on playground equipment built just for them.

Part of the joy of children is their rambunctious side, but sometimes that playful nature results in a tumble or a fall. This is just one reason why child safety is of such importance both when designing and installing playground equipment and when supervising a child at a playground. In 2016, children’s playgrounds are safer than ever before, but there are still several things you can do to make your child’s playtime safe and fun.

What can you do to make your child’s playtime safer?

Happy parents and kid lying on garden with hands together

While you can rely on outstanding manufacturing and installation safety features like mulch or soft rubber to prevent most injuries on the playground, there are still some things to keep in mind when at the playground.

  • Keep children from climbing on the outside edges of the play equipment. Most playgrounds will have signs warning of the dangers of climbing on the outsides of the equipment, but children are naturally curious explorers, so they will often need to be retold. Keeping children in safe areas helps prevent accidents from happening.
  • Remind children to take turns on the swings, the slides, the see-saws and other play equipment. Too many children trying to play on the same piece of equipment raises the chances that a child will get hurt.
  • Have older children look out for the younger ones and play gently when the smaller children are around. Sometimes older children forget that younger ones can be easily knocked over or injured if they’re not careful. When older children are more mindful, everyone has more fun.
  • Watch your children while they are playing and leave the playground by dusk if it is not well lit. Dim lighting conditions can lead to trips and falls.

What do you do if your child is injured while at the playground?


It’s a good idea to take a travel sized first aid kit with you when you head to the playground. While many playgrounds are built to industry safety standards, accidents still sometimes happen. Here is a quick list of items that will come in handy in the event of a scrape, bump or fall.

  • Bandages of several different sizes
  • Triple antibiotic ointment
  • Alcohol wipes

Should an accident happen, clean the area with antiseptic wipes and apply a dab of antibiotic ointment before covering it with a bandage. While not strictly necessary, children do enjoy bandages in different colors and designs. Some children like butterfly bandages, while others prefer superhero bandages. Whatever their preference, make first aid a little less painful by having fun bandages in your kit.

Follow these guidelines and know that you’ve done your best to make playtime both safe and fun.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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