Multifunctional ModaLamp flaunts three different working modes

Concepts in cool and contemporary lighting fixtures are dime a dozen, but only a few manage to stand apart from the rest. Designed by Manas Karambelkar, Markus Schmeiduch and Antoni Kaniowski, the ModaLamp is a multifunctional lighting unit, which features three different working modes. The stunning lamp looks aesthetically pleasing even when it’s not being used as a lamp. In the Lamp mode, the ModaLamp produces white/yellow ambient light and you can adjust the brightness by holding and moving the hand at a specific distance from the bottom of the lamp. When you are not using the ModaLamp for its primary purpose, you can use it as a wall clock in the Clock mode. In this mode, the lamp color changes to the time of the day.

Finally, we have the Thermometer mode, in which the ModaLamp shows you the room temperature. It goes red with the rising temperature and turns blue as it gets low. The ingenious lamp uses an Arduino Mega, which is hooked to two chains of LEDs and other sensors. The thermometer uses LEDs to tell you the current room temperature with the help of the temperature sensor fixed to the Arduino. While one IR distance sensor regulates the light intensity, the other help you switch between the three modes.


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