Wogg Coffee Tower offers a decorative storage solution for homes and offices

Wogg Coffee Tower

Decorative and highly functional, the Woog 13 Coffee Tower comes with smart storage space, which makes it an ideal choice for homes and offices. The Wogg Coffee Tower is everything-in-one kind of furniture unit that comes with revolving magnetic mantle, optional with logo, Corpus in HPL black, folding table in HPL black short/long, mirror back wall and a sliding shelf for the coffee machine. Optional additions include a sliding shelf for coffee time or your tablet, fridge and aluboxes.

The Coffee Tower could be used as a storage solution in an office or a cupboard space in the kitchen or in your kid’s bedroom. It also makes for a great exhibition stand. Designed by Hans Eichenberger, the Woog 13 Coffee Tower is available in a range of colors to suit your liking. Pricing for the Wogg Coffee Tower starts at CHF 3,550 ($3,775) and goes as high as CHF 4050 ($4,305), depending on the choice of colors.

Wogg Coffee Tower 1

Wogg Coffee Tower 2

Wogg Coffee Tower 3


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