Inspired by her passion for transforming the ordinary to the extraordinary, South African designer Katie Thompson recycles used everyday items into stunning furniture, lighting and other home accessories. Her original, repurposed furniture and lighting range typifies the best of South African design. Using worn out vintage trunks, old suitcases, original printers tray, crates and other obsolete items, Katie Thompson recreates sophisticated interior objects that enjoy their own previous character but with a new function.
Some of the highlights from her recycled furniture range include Printers Tray glass top table made from an original printers tray, Suitcase Chairs recreated from worn out vintage trunks, Hatbox Ottoman made from a vintage brown hatbox, Suitcase Side table made using a black vintage Remington typewriter case and the Ammo Crate side table. Katie Thompson started Recreate interior design range in 2009.